8 February 2014

But I thought...

...Conservative Catholics were against the idea of the Church being influenced by petitions. Father has certainly mocked enough Liberal attempts to do so.

What on earth is going on out there? Some conservatives under Francis are starting to act like some liberals under Benedict, and vice versa. If it was foolish or damnable for the one then, it is so now for the other. If not, then some conservatives owe some liberals an apology. The only thing missing at this point is a conservative blog post saying that Francis is on in years, missing a lung, probably won't be around too long, so all we have to do is wait him out. Has anyone seen one of those yet?

While I generally side with the conservatives, it is becoming clearer to me that liberals and conservatives often share the same attitude: they want what they want, where they want it, which is everywhere, and when they want it, which is now. It sems to me this attitude is wrong whether it is in the one or the other. It is often more concerned with winning than with being faithful. Be at peace, and know that God is God.


Mary N. said...

You hit the ball right out of the ballpark with this post, Bear. Well said.

Puff the Magic Dragon said...

Odd Fr.Z. Seems to have taken down that particular post.

Mary N. said...

Yes, I noticed that as well.

Bear said...

I can't imagine it has anything to do with this post. I had a total of 11 hits on it by the time Father took down his post, and I would have trouble believing one of those hits was him.