23 October 2017

Been Busy

As always, I have been busy with many things, and thus don't often blog.  I am also coming up on the anniversary of my mother's death, so there's that as well.  Last week and this are all filled with little unpleasant memories of her final days.  Last week was when she had her fall, the last time I could speak coherently with her, although she was often more than half out of it.  Now she spoke her last.  Now we watched and waited.  Now my sister- never mind.  It is past, and private.

But, speaking of the past, I have been researching for the second half of my Brief History.  I have been looking into the Jubilee Riots by reading the newspapers of the period.  It is taking far longer than I had anticipated, but it is, in its own way fascinating.  The articles with their diction and grammar are vastly different from the papers of today, in that they seemed to practice both grammar and interesting diction.  The papers also nakedly politically slanted, unlike today. (*Ahem*).  The Mail had several articles about the first riot and its aftermath. Today I was reading an article from the Saturday edition of that newspaper, published one day before the second and greater of the two riots   The article details a meeting held at St Lawrence Hall the night before, the purpose of which was to prevent further riots.   I started taking notes from the article and ended up transcribing about two thirds of the whole thing, breaking off just before it became extremely interesting.  I may republish the entire article here, although it is most likely I am the only one interested.  I am also looking forward to tracking down the articles from the other newspapers, including the Globe, the Mirror, and the one I really want to sink my teeth into- The Irish Canadian.  I am sure it will have an interesting viewpoint and won't bother itself, as the other papers did, with exonerating the Protestants.

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