5 January 2008

A few prayer requests, please

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. Please help me pray that maybe this year he lays off the booze. Or at least goes to see a doctor. And that he returns to church. Mom and I have been praying for him for a long time, but nothing yet. He's younger's favourite uncle, and I want the two of them to enjoy each other's company for years to come. He's a decent guy.

Also, there's s a fellow at work who left the Catholic Church some time ago, but is reading Benedict's book "Jesus of Nazareth" and finding it makes a lot of sense. His girlfriend is a protestant, but she also finds herself liking Benedict. I've been answering questions from him, and doing my best to let him know he can come to me if he has questions. Ones I can't answer, I can usually show him where to go online. Pray for me, that I can at least not scare him off, and for him and his girlfriend. The Barque of Peter can always do with another bailer or two.

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