11 June 2009

Good Lord, What Are They Doing This Time?

The Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops' Canadian Catholic Organization of Development and Peace (D&P)has been giving money donated by Canadian Catholics to pro abortion groups in third world countries.

The Bishop's conference of Peru has written to the Canadian Bishops asking them to cease and desist, and have offered to help the Canadian Bishop's find worthy causes to give money to instead.

The head of D&P has said in an interview that his office has no particular abortion policy, and that statements about abortion are best left to the bishops themselves. In biblical terms, this is referred to as the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. That is about the only thing biblical that can be said about this situation.

If the allegations are true, they have sent my money abroad to promote abortions. My money.

Thus far, according to CCCB Website, a board of inquiry was launched to look into similar allegations made in Mexico against D&P. It has issued no statement as to the report of the board, nor if any similar board will be formed to look into the Peruvian allegations.

For myself, I hope they issue a clear statement over this. Canadians will more easily forgive a mistake than a cover-up.

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