19 August 2009

September 6, 2009: 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Iustus es Domine, et rectum iudicium tuum: fac cum servo tuo secundum misericordiam tuam. Ps. Beati immaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini. Ps. 118(119): 137, 124; 1 [Graduale Romanum, pp. 332]

Righteous art thou, O LORD, and right are thy judgments. Deal with thy servant according to thy steadfast love. Ps. Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD! Tr RSCVE

First Reading: Isaiah 35: 4-7
The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy.

Responsorial Psalm:Psalm 146: 6c-7, 8-9a, 9b- 10 (R1)
Praise the Lord, my soul!

Second Reading: James 2:1-5
Has not God chosen the poor to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom

Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 4:23
Jesus preached the good news of the kingdom and healed all who were sick.

Gospel: Mark 7: 31-37
Jesus has done everything well; he even makes those who are deaf to hear and those who are mute to speak.

Oravi Deum meum ego Daniel, dicens: exaudi , Domine, preces servi tui: illumina faciem tuam super sanctuarium tuum: et propitius intende de populum istum, super quem invocatum est nomen tuum, Deus. Daniel 9: 4 (2) 17, 19 [Graduale Romanum. pp. 334-5]

I prayed to the LORD my God and made confession, saying: O our God, hearken to the prayer of thy servant * cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary, O LORD, give heed and act because thy city and thy people are called by thy name." Tr RSCVE

Vovete, et reddite Domino Deo vestro, omnes qui circuitu eius affertis munera: terribili, et ei qui aufert spiritum principum: terribili apud omnes reges terrae. Ps. 75(76): 12, 13 [Graduale Romanum, pp. 334-5]
Verses from Psalm 75(76): 2-6a, 9-10 may be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.

Make your vows to the LORD your God, and perform them; let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared, who cuts off the spirit of princes, who is terrible to the kings of the earth. Tr RSCVE
Verses from Psalm 75(76): 2-6a, 9-10 may be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.
In Judah God is known, his name is great in Israel.Tr RSCVE

Hymn Suggestions
Great God, Whose Will is Peace: CBW III 539 (Entrance)
Christians Let Us Love one Another: CBW III 595 (Offertory)
O Salutaris Ostia/ O Saving Victum: CBW III 689; Adoremus 519
O Jesus Christ, Remember: Adoremus 518 (Cleansing of the Vessels)
The Voice of God CBW III 433 (Recessional)

Mass Setting:
(PROULX) Community Mass.

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