18 August 2013

Ummm, well, about that. See, the thing is....

I did another round of cantoring today at Mass. After Mass, Puff received a few compliments on my behalf, plus one fellow who told her that I "don't need to use the microphone." She wasn't quite sure what to say because I don't use microphones. That ear dissolving volume is just me singing out, and not particularly at full bore, either. Microphones are for wimps. Or people belting out the National Anthem at a sporting event, like Bleeding Gums Murphy.

For those interested, Here's the music list for today:

Int: Come Holy Spirit
Kyrie: David Young's from CBW iii
Gloria, sanctus, mysterium, great amen and agnus: One of the three Mass settings chosen by the archdiocese. Written by someone named Angeles, as I recall.
psalm as per CBW iii
Celtic Alleluia
Off:Take up Your Cross. (Hate that they changed thee and thine to you and your. Thee and thine are onderful words to sing, whereas you and your are just awful. Grr.) Tune Breslau.
Communion: Proper Antiphon from this site, with first psalm verse and doxology, Lambilotte's Panis Angelicus, and Salve Regina, solemn tone.
Rec: O God Our Help In Ages Past.

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