4 November 2014

I learned a new word today

Echolalia- the automatic repetition of vocalizations.made by another person.

I found it here, in a photo post about the relationship of an autistic boy and his mother.  Wikipedia says it is one of the " is one of the most salient aspects of communication disorders in autism."  In other words, it is another box to be ticked in the ASD.

Echolalia is Frodo's main form of speech.  He rarely speaks outside of it.

I've been learning more about the boxes that are to be ticked.  Last week we had a meeting with Frodo's teacher in the presence of an expert.   School is not going well for him.  He is aggressive, uncommunicative, and has no interest in doing what everyone else is doing.  Tick, tick and tick. He is not particualrly concerned about whether or not he keeps his clothes on.  The teacher kept repeating some things over and over, as though they contained some greater significance than would appear at first.  They too were boxes to be ticked.

"He walks on his toes- all the time.  On his toes."


"He speaks in a high pitch squeak, not a normal child's voice- just a very high pitch squeaky voice.  Very high pitched, very squeaky."


 He hates school and tries to avoid going.  In that respect he is advanced:  it took the girls until grade three before they hated school and asked us to keep them at home.  It took him less than a month and a half- and that with a bunch of sick days in between. 

When I take him to school I often see other children from his class walking with their parents.  Sometimes the child will spot us and start pointing.  "Look, Mommy! See?  There's Frodo, the one I was telling you about.  There he is! It's him!"

And now, Echolalia.  Tick.


Patience said...

I feel really bad for you guys. What you're going through is tough. I will only say that the difficulties you are seeing now are not carved in stone. Lots of kids have these struggles (communication and difficult/atypical behaviours) and then go on to overcome and learn to work in a classroom setting and communicate better (or fine). (personal experience here with my older girl) If I had one thing to do over; it would be to incorporate sign language into the communication. It doesn't mess with speech development but it provides another form of expression. (even a few signs like more, tired, pee, etc) are useful. Just putting in my two cents and keeping you guys in my prayers.

Bear said...

We have him on a waiting list for evaluation. For them to diagnose him on the ASD would be a formality at this point. Indeed, it would only surprise would be if he isn't on the spectrum. The issue is not if but where. Still, there is a sinking feeling at these meetings. and the growing fear that the rabbit hole stretches ever deeper.

Anonymous said...

I am teaching him the ASL alphabet and numbers.

Word Signs are next.


Patience said...

Do you get a sense (in these meetings) of any kind of long term plan? Are they looking to provide an aide in the class or are they looking at a congregated class? (and if they are looking at an aide; in my mind; the aide helps with the class so the teacher can do some one on one with Frodo.) Also a behavioural consultant would be useful. (I say this because I took half of a Behaviour Science certificate so I do have some background here)

Bear said...

The meeting was ostensibly designed to work towards creating and Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Frodo. It did involve a consultant who was sympathetic to Frodo and stated that she wished to get him the help he needed. There was no talk yet of putting him in a special class or school.

Patience said...

Well that sounds hopeful! And on the positive side (for you); we got next to no help in the schools (often active interference), minimal speech (only TPS and a tiny bit of private due to money) and no ABA; (I did floortime at home).And yet dd is still doing quite well.

Anonymous said...

His teacher, Sr. P. did day to me, that what she wanted to do was get him ultimately into university. --Puff