1 December 2014

Here goes

Tonight I'm off to join the Knights of Columbus.


Servimus Unum Deum said...

Bear, from one brother knight to (a soon to be) another, may I give you an early congratulations! While I've only been part of the K of C for 2 months, I can tell you it is a pleasure to be part of something such as this that goes hand in hand with the Church in its corporal and spiritual missons.

Bear said...

I thank you, and I hope it is so for me as well. I have for years avoided joining groups. My previous experiences at being a member of something or other have not been ... felicitous.

Vox Cantoris said...

Joining my Council I hear. St. John XXIII, I saw your name on the roll. Welcome Brother.

Unfortunately, it is not the Knights of Malta, we let anybody in.

Bear said...

I'm in now. If the Knights will let in someone like me, they'll take anybody.

Servimus Unum Deum said...

Formally congratulations! Don't feel bad about the comment of letting anyone in. If you are as true to the Faith as you portray here on the blog (humbly, not boastfully) then you should be proud to be asked to join! Not to mention John XXIII council is a lot more tradition friendly (and youthful!!! You got likely more 20-30 year old young adults than likely many or all Ontario/Canadian ones,) versus other councils. Have a healthy sense of accomplishment, Brother Bear (no literary pun intended.) Pax.