16 July 2021

What remains.

  'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life!' - John 6:68

What shall I say of today's event?

Humility demands that I recognize I do not know everything, that the writing of the new Motu Proprio was done by those who know far more in this matter than I. Charity demands that I assume their motives were good, and not for ill.  Experience and prudence, however, demands caution in making such assumptions.

Whether this was done for good or for ill is, ultimately, not my concern.  I have no influence, no power, in this matter.  That responsibility lies entirely on the shoulders of another.  My duty lies elsewhere: to continue to practice my faith and do what good I can, come what may, and to stay clear of all wrongdoing on my part. A man who does evil because he believes was provoked is a man who does evil.

Whatever effects this change has, the commands of the Church upon me remain the same:

1. Go to Mass every Sunday if possible.

2. Observe all the proscribed days of fasting and abstinence

3. Receive Communion at least once during the Easter Season,

4.  Go to confession at least once a year.

5. Contribute to the material support of my priest.

There are also the words of Our Lord and his instructions to perform the Acts of Mercy.  I have been telling my Knights for two years now that much of what Our Lord says in the Gospels is perplexing and difficult to understand, but when he tells us to 'Feed the poor, give water to the thirsty,' that is difficult to misunderstand, though some try.

We were also told by Our Lord Himself, whilst he was personally present on Earth, that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against his Church. Whatever happens in this, God remains God, and my duty remains my duty.


Vox Cantoris said...

One does not "Take" Holy Communion, one RECEIVES It!

Further, we can make every presumption that this was an evil act. It was done for nefarious reasons. It has no love in it, no joy, no charity. It is mean, cruel and vindictive.

I will say it right here.

It was evil and it was done by evil men.

I am not evil. But if you think I am, state it publicly and call for once, unlike numerous other times, have some courage man to tell it to my face!

Bear said...

I have corrected the 'receive.' Thank you for pointing that out.

This post wasn't about you. I was writing about my duty.

Dale Price said...

VC: I agree with you that the current successor of Peter has forfeited the benefit of the doubt. I will go further and state that I agree with a fellow NO-attending friend who described the document as "pastorally-speaking, borderline satanic."

That said, how you reached the conclusion that Bear was talking about anyone other than himself and his duty is puzzling. One can come to different conclusions about whether we should do more, but no one can doubt that what Bear has listed is binding on all Catholics.