26 October 2015

Cool Website.

A while back I found a website dedicated to documenting organs in Quebec and Canada as a whole.  the site has descriptions of the organs and the buildings which contain them, along with photographs of both, and sometimes with historical photos.  Through this I have seen a picture of the original high altar in St Patrick's in Hamilton (prefer it over the one there now), as well as the original altar in La Basilique de Notre Dame de Montreal, (prefer the new one).  It has also lead me to kick myself for not consulting this website before the family travelled out East last summer.  I could kick myself for not turning slightly aside on our drive and seeing some of these churches.  To experience, go to the link, click on "Organs in Quebec" or "Organs in Canada," depending on which you wish to see, on the next age click on "instruments",  scroll through the list on the next page that comes up, find a church that interests you and click on it.  When the article comes up, it will have a small photograph on the upper left.  Click on the photograph and away you go.  It isn't all high quality, and not all of them have many photographs, but there are a few real gems and pictures of churches that can be found no where else.

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