13 March 2007

Laetare Sunday

Lent 4- C

"Laetare Jerusalem" (Gregorian chant)

Responsorial Psalm
55 Taste and See That the Lord is Good (Brustle/ Black)

Gospel Acclamation and Verse
260 Praise to You, Lord, King of Eternal Glory (Somerville)
I will rise and go to my father and tell him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you (p/t Somerville 260)

353 Take up Your Cross
625 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

I will go to the altar of God; the God of my gladness, the God of my joy. With verses from Psalms. 43, 42 BFW 89, 90
"O Taste and See" (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
480Amazing Grace

650 This Day God Gives Me

(Scrutinies) Lent 4 –A

"Laetare Jerusalem" (Gregorian chant)

Responsorial Psalm
53 The Lord is My Shpeherd, there is nothing I shall want

Gospel Acclamation and Verse
260 Praise to You, Lord, King of Eternal Glory (Somerville)
I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life (psalm tone Somerville)

369 O Merciful Redeemer
353 Take Up your Cross

I will go to the altar of God; the God of my gladness, the God of my joy. With verses from Psalms. 43, 42 BFW 89, 90
"O Taste and See" (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
67 Ubi Caritas

429 Word of God, Come Down on Earth

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