The Papal “Motu Proprio” for the liberalisation of the Mass in Latin according to the Tridentine rite of Saint Pius V is ready, is to be translated in different languages and will be published as Benedict XVI begins his summer vacation. The text has already been signed by the Pontiff, who also edited a long explanatory note, of a theological character, “addressed to all the bishops of the world”, as may be read in the introduction, “so that they may accept with serenity and patience this document.”
The Pope, therefore, asks of the bishops, the priesthood, and the faithful for a serene “mood” in accepting the “Motu Proprio,” which will be presented, at a press conference, hosted by Cardinals: Francis Arinze, Dario Castrillon Hoyos, and Julian Herranz. The delay in the publication of the document seems to be due to the strong resistance of some sectors of the clergy (specially from the French Bishops’ Council.)
The theologian and colleague of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Nicola Bux, affirms: “You may calmly write this: The Pope, Benedict XVI loves to be in concert and collaborate (with others), and does not want to decide everything alone, for this reason he listened to many and reputable advisors, but the Motu Proprio for the liberalisation of the Mass in Latin has been signed and its publication is imminent, I would say it is a matter of days.”
The Tridentine Mass is celebrated entirely in Latin, with the exception of a few words and phrases in ancient Greek and Hebrew; punctuated with long periods of silence, to allow the faithful to adequately meditate on the greatness of the Eucharistic mystery to which they are called to attend. The faithful follow the Liturgy reading the missal or the bilingual sheet, which relate, beside the Latin text, the integral (unabridged) translation of the passages in Italian or other national languages.
It is not solely the use of the ecclesiastical and universal (“catholic” notably, means universal) language that marks a difference between the Tridentine Mass and the Modern one. The priest, in a difference from the style of the new rite, has his back to the people, in as he celebrates turned to the tabernacle and the altar which creating a representation of Calvary, an image of the celebrant guiding the people. The Gospel is always read (proclaimed) on the right side of the altar, while the Epistle from the left side (from which we get the phrases «in cornu evangelii» (the gospel horn) and «in cornu epistulae». and in the epistle horn.) [My note: In Exodus 38:38: 1-2. And he made the altar of burnt offering ........And he made the horns thereof on the four corners of it;..." The Ancient Hebrews used this altar for burnt offerings (sacrifices to God). As the Altar is where we also offer our Sacrifice to God, it is interesting to note: that two corners are referred to as horns.]
Communion – the host alone, for the faithful – is received kneeling, and on the tongue. One attends mass, for the most part, kneeling, because one believes in the great mystery, because one believes in the real presence of Jesus, in body blood, soul and divinity, because kneeling in the posture of humble sinner who implores the mercy of God.
Many, erroneously, charge the schism of the followers of French Bishop Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre from Church of Rome to the limitation of the Tridentine Mass. In reality, the “Lefebvrists” have always continued to celebrate the Rite of Saint Pius V, and they moved away from the Vatican because of the ordinations of Bishops, not authorized by the Pope .However, now, with the liberalisation of the Tridentine Mass, there should be a re-examination of this schism.
Rorate Caeli also has a : translation here. I pointed out, in there commbox that I would translate (and I did here) the last paragraph differently then they did. My translation is slightly different (no two translators ever translate exactly the same) throughout, but his last paragraph is substantially different. I have just found out that their translation is from an earlier copy of the article which Petrus edited and does not mention the change in its website. The original in Italian can be viewed in the commbox of Rorate Caeli.(link above)
The Original Italian article is here, and it is also linked to up above. The Photo is from the Original Article in Petrus.
M/N to Vox Cantor
UPDATE: See CWN for another story on the Imminent Motu Proprio
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