22 August 2007

Catholic Book of Worship III - # 445 - 471

Hymns for the Feasts of Mary and the Saints

What I would Like to continue hearing:
52. Faith of Our Fathers, [Text: FW Faber; Tune: "St.Catherine," HF Hemy descant R P. Palango]
53. For all The Saints [Text: W W How; Tune: "Sine Nomine," with Alleluias, RV Williams- Descant W. MacNutt]
54. By All Your Saints Still Striving [ Text: based on Horatio Nelson; Tune: "Pearsall," R L de Pearsall]
55. Hail Holy Queen, Enthroned Above [Text: Salve Regine Misericordiae, Tr. Roman Hymnal 1884/ vs. O Lee; Tune: "Salve Regina Coelitum," ]
56. Immaculate Mary [ Text: St 1: J Cummings, St 2-5:M Kroaetch; Tune: "Lourdes Hymn," Grenoble, 1882]

What I never want to hear again:
25. Highly Favoured One [Text/Music: P Coates/ T Crowley]
26. Mary, of Good Counsel [ Text: M J Kroestch; Tune: "Raquel," S Chavez-Melo]
27. A Living Faith [ text: St. 1 FW Faber; additional verses J R ALfred; Tune: "St. Catherine," HF HEMy Descant RP Palango]

What I would like to begin hearing ( I may never want to hear it again, but once would be nice)
35. Around the Throne a Glorious Band [ Text: R Hill; Tune: "Old Hundredth," Genevan Psalter]
36. Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise [ Text: Exsultet orbis gaudis, tr. R. Mant; Tune: "Tallis' Canon," T. Tallis]
37. Joseph, Be Our Guide and Pattern [ Text: M. Newton -White; Tune: "Regent Square," H T Smart]
38. Hail, Queen of Haeven, the Ocean Star [ Text: J Longard/ R. Lahey; Tune: "Stella," English Traditional]
39 Be Joyful Mary, Heavenly Queen [ Text: Regina caeli, jubila Tr. Anon; Tune: "Regina Caeli," J Leiswentritt]
40. I Sing A Maid [Text: M D Ridge; Tune: "The Flight of the Earls," Celtic trad. Harmony: M. Joncas]
41. The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky [Text: Quem Terra pntus aethera, V. Fortuantus; tune: "Eisenach," J H Schein; Harmony: JS Bach]
42. Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven [ Text: J Quinn SJ; Tune: "Drake's Broughton," E Elgar]
43. Servant of the Word [Text: E M Grosz; Tune: "O Du Froliche," Tattersall's Psalter]
44. O Sanctissima [Text: St. 1 Stimmen de Volker in Lieden, St. 2 Arundel Hymnal; Tune: "O Du Frohliche," Tattersall's Psalter]
45. Salve Regina [ Text: c. 1054, Contractus; Marian Antiphon for Compline from Trinity Sunday to Advent; Tune: "Salve Regina," Chant Mode V]
46. Blest are the Pure in Heart [ Text: J Keble/ W J Hall; Tune: "Franconia," Harmonischer Liederscatz]

What I am in no rush to begin hearing:
31. Earthen Vessels [ Text: based on 2 Cor. 4:6, 7:1; 1Cor 1:27-28; Text/Music: J BFoley SJ]
32. For Ever I Will Sing [ Text: based on Ps. 89; Text and Music: M Haugen]
33. Come, Let Us Honour Those Vss 1&3 for any woman saint, verse 2 for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys (Jan 12) [ Text: H I Ziegenhals; Tune: "Toulon, " abridged from Genevan Psalter]
34. O God, Whose All-redeeming Love [ Text: Sr. Rosemary Anne SSJD; Tune: "New St. Thomas," JFM Wood]
35 Its "Jan 12 St. Marguerite Borugeoys' Version " [ Text: Sr. Rosemary Anne SSJD; Tune: "New St. Thomas," JFM Wood]
36. Now From the Heavens Descending [ Text: J Quinn, SJ; Tune: "Merle's Tune," H H Hopson]
37. Holy Mary, Full of Grace [Text: tr. M Hodgetts; Tune: Paul Decha]
38. Mary, Woman of Promise [ Text: M F Fleischaker; Tune: "Drake's Broughton," E Elgar]

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