31 January 2015

Huh? When did this happen?

I just got back from grocery shopping. Has anyone else noticed the price of bacon lately? Since when did pig become an endangered species?


Teresa B. said...

A few weeks ago it was $1.99 for 500g at Zehrs/Loblaws.
I buy it in bulk only when it is on sale.Which isn't very often hence I buy in bulk. Teresa B.

Bear said...

Wait- there was a sale of bacon and you did not inform me?

Patience said...

Did you notice Maple Leaf is making their packages 375g? I called them and their response was to send a couple of $1 coupons. My dad and grandfather worked for Maple Leaf but I'm buying other brands that keep to 500g! Loyalty only goes so far.

Bear said...

I noticed that. I cannot believe any merely human organization could have done something so fiendish.